BrightFunded Offers 90% Profit Split from Day One

BrightFunded has introduced an optional add-on that allows traders to potentially increase their earnings and receive more frequent payouts.

AD 4nXdqKqdg2RhSf eXakn1wfgHB12txyiKBYdL5f41tzamcQ3d Hfj ADansK 7B3EwxIlbndlgYgMjjO9Jw6vAw9bdzhGeOf76QfFcfrvnCqaqffLvV9ebYsaNMydAZRG7IAX3KI2INMh5q El U8 kqcYsiW?key=4XwAH22aKkaCzv15C5M5dQ

Key Features:

  • 90% Profit Split: Traders can keep a larger share of the profits generated from their trading activity, potentially reaching a 90/10 split with BrightFunded.
  • Weekly Payouts: Funded traders have the option to request payouts every seven days.


  • Increased Earnings Potential: The 90% profit split could significantly boost a trader’s overall earnings.
  • Improved Cash Flow: Weekly payouts can provide a more consistent stream of income, potentially aiding in financial management.


  • When configuring a Challenge on the BrightFunded platform, traders can choose the add-on that provides the 90% profit split and weekly payouts.

Important Note:

This is an optional add-on, and standard BrightFunded profit split and payout terms may apply if not selected during Challenge configuration.

AD 4nXdsEdeYZuDHKfi1dBiBDCpqc9W Xl5MMrrgcbQGsU1wAVft9VcHnJE

Additional Information:

Visit the BrightFunded website for more details on this add-on, including any potential eligibility requirements or associated costs, and to configure your Challenge accordingly.

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