TopStep is preparing to launch TopStepX™, a new trading platform designed to cater exclusively to its users. This platform is notable for providing its own isolated market data feed, ensuring that only TopStepX accounts can access its features.
Key Features of TopStepX
TopStepX™ differentiates itself by offering an unfiltered, real-time data feed directly from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), without any artificial delays. This feature is particularly beneficial for traders using high-performance machines with stable wired internet connections. However, it’s important to note that the high-quality data feed may pose challenges for those on slower machines or Wi-Fi connections.
Exclusive Access and Compatibility
Access to TopStepX™ is limited to users with an active TopStep account. It is incompatible with other platforms such as Rithmic, CTS, or Tradovate. The platform boasts broad accessibility, being available on all major web browsers across various computer systems.
Trading Offerings and Commission Structure
TopStepX allows trading in 8 CME Group Futures Products, including E-Mini S&P 500 (ES), E-Mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ), and others. Notably, TopStepX offers commission-free trading, with NFA + Clearing fees being the only charges applied per trade.
Data Availability
For data analysis, Level 1 Data is provided for free with TopStepX, while Level 2 Data is available for an additional fee. This ensures that traders have access to necessary market insights for informed decision-making.
Launch Timeline
The exact public release date for TopStepX remains unannounced, but the platform is expected to be accessible to all users shortly, with the TopstepX Trading Combine indicating an imminent launch.
TopStep’s introduction of TopStepX™ marks a significant addition to its trading platform offerings, providing exclusive access to real-time market data and a range of trading products. This launch reflects TopStep’s commitment to offering advanced trading tools and resources tailored to meet the needs of its trading community.