Forex Prop Firm Introduces First Payout on Demand for Traders

Forex Prop Firm First Payout on Demand

Forex Prop Firm has announced a significant update to their payout structure, offering increased flexibility and faster access to earnings for their traders. The key feature of this change is the introduction of a “First Payout on Demand” option.

forex prop firm payout on demand

What is First Payout on Demand?

This new feature allows traders to request their first withdrawal anytime they choose, regardless of their current profit level. There is no minimum profit requirement for this initial payout. This provides a significant advantage for new traders or those who prefer to withdraw their earnings more frequently.

How Does it Work?

The payout structure has two tiers:

  • First Payout:
    • Timing: Requested at any time.
    • Minimum Profit: None required.
    • Waiting Period: 30 days after your first trade. (This is likely a security measure to ensure the account is legitimate)
  • Subsequent Payouts:
    • Minimum Profit: A minimum of 5% profit achieved since your last payout.
    • Waiting Period: 15 days after each payout request.

Benefits for Traders:

Forex Prop Firm emphasizes this change as a way to show appreciation to their trading community. It offers greater flexibility for traders to manage their earnings, especially for those starting out or wanting more frequent withdrawals.

Important Note:

The “First Payout on Demand” feature only applies to new payouts initiated on or after June 16th, 2024. Existing payouts may still be subject to previous terms.

Finding Out More:

For full details and eligibility requirements, traders can visit the Forex Prop Firm website.

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